Humpback whales are unique and majestic beings. They are beautiful creatures, and mysterious too. There is much-left unknown regarding the ocean in general, but much is unsure about the creatures that live in it too. The songs of the humpbacks are still difficult to understand. Humpbacks communicate using their own language and we are only beginning to understand what they are saying.
When one thinks of the oceans and whales, humpbacks are usually the first creatures to come to mind. They are a popular sight in most parts of the world. We know a great deal about them including migration patterns and feeding grounds. However, the songs of the humpbacks are a shaky subject. According to we know that their songs “can last over twenty minutes per session and may go on for more than twenty-four hours” (Whale Facts), providing plenty of opportunities to record and research them. These vocalizations are truly songs. Dvorsky and Gadye state that there are repeating “themes” expressed in these vocals. Each song varies in length and has its own special characteristics, just as human songs are individual and unique.
Scientists are unsure what they are trying to say. There are several theories as to why humpbacks sing, though no one really knows for sure. One theory suggests that the songs are used to attract a mate. (Dvorsky and Gadye) This is like the flashy feathers of male birds. The humpbacks with the more attractive singing voices are more desirable. Communication seems to be the main idea as to why these gentle giants sing.
Perhaps Humpbacks sing to communicate, or perhaps they are like us, and seek to create something beautiful. Much is unsure about these creatures and the motives behind their music. However, one thing is certain, their songs are mysteriously beautiful creations.
By: Heather Weller, Plea for the Sea (
Works cited
Dvorsky, George. Levi, Gadye. “Why Whale Songs Are Still One Of Science's Greatest Mysteries.” Gizmodo. 19 March 2015. Web. 25 May 2018.
“Humpback Whale Facts.” Whale Facts. Web. 25 May 2018.